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Article Our work for nature
For over 100 years Pro Natura has been fighting for nature’s cause in Switzerland. The creation of the first Swiss National Park was our first ambitious goal. Over the decades other conservation issues have become important. However, one thing has always stayed the same: we take determined action – both in the political realm and in hands-on, practical conservation.
Article Pro Natura – Switzerland’s Number One in Conservation
Pro Natura is Switzerland’s oldest nature conservation organization. We love nature, defend its interests, and give it a strong voice. The natural diversity of animals, plants and habitats needs to be preserved and promoted!
Article Contact us
Do you have a query about our work? We value your feedback and are happy to help you.
Article Impressum
Responsible persons and contributing web agency
Article Privacy Policy
In this Privacy Policy, we provide information on what personal data we process in connection with our activities and operations, including our website, and how and for what purpose we process it.
Article Working Together for Nature
Would you like to give nature more room and get involved yourself? Would you like to become part of an effective organization? Here is how you can help nature in Switzerland.
Article Our offers
Pro Natura wants to kindle people’s enthusiasm for nature. If we are aware of how important nature is in our daily lives, we will want to protect it naturally.
Center Pro Natura Centres
Pro Natura has two national and several regional nature conservation centres. In the centres and their neighbourhood, visitors can explore different habitats and have the opportunity to meet with nature in a very personal way.
Article Your donation for nature
Pro Natura is committed to preserving biodiversity and unspoilt natural landscapes in Switzerland through practical nature conservation, political advocacy and environmental education. Thank you for helping us fight for nature’s cause with your support.
Article Newsletter sign-up
Thank you for your interest in our newsletter. We will inform you monthly about current events in our projects, exciting news from our protected areas and interesting facts about nature conservation and environmental protection.